Hadra / Agenda
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Via Michelin

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Infos Voyage :
Psychedelic Traveler
Lonely Planet (Fr)
Lonely Planet Online
Le Guide du Routard
The Man in the Seat 61
Les infos présentées sur cette page nous ont été transmises par nos contacts ou rassemblées à partir du web. En dehors des événements organisés par Hadra, elles n'engagent en rien Hadra concernant le bon déroulement et l'organisation des dits événements.
Avant de prendre la route, vérifiez toujours ces informations directement auprès des organisateurs (email, website, infoline...). Certaines infos ont pu changer (parfois à la dernière minute), certains organisateurs sont sérieux et malheureusement d'autres moins...
Bonne route et bonne teuf !
  16-02-2007 (4 nuits) Open air
Amir vs Mosher (HOMmega) (IL)
Allan vs Maikon (Mystic/E-Vibe)
Barizon (Alive)
Bisqua (Goaa/Track)
Android (Crystal Matrix/Spectral Moon)
Ari Linker (Tip World) (IL)
Avi Algranasi (Vision Quest) (IL)
Bitella (SUNSIDE)
Boteon (Vertigo/Mystic)
Christian Stilck (Water Republic/N?cleo Dj?s)
Claudio Brio (Tropical Beats)
Du Serena (HOMmega rec.)
Felix (BNE) (IL)
Kore (Tropical Beats) (MX)
Eitan vs Zeev (Phonokol ) (IL)
Glen (Soundbookings)
Elli vs Rizoma (Sunset/Sunsound)
Gil Mahadeva (Enzyme)
Guzz vs Galo (Sank.ara)
Glenn Morrison (Tropical Beats) (CAN)
Gui (Hadra/Nexus Media)
Iraj? (Trancelebra)
James Monro (UK)
JP (Tip World)
JR (SUNSIDE/N?cleo Dj's)
Marcelo BPM (High End )
Laui (WFC/N?cleo Dj?s)
Luciano (Pronto/BrasilBeats)
Majnun vs Catanante (Trancelebra)
Marcelo Vor (Neurobiotic/Carambola )
Matera (Tropical Beats)
Miague vs JP Guerra (Samsara)
Mikeda vs Sassah (Partyon Brazil)
Mol (BrasilBeats)
Musatti (E-Brigade)
Ohad vs Gollan (HOMmega) (IL)
Pablo vs Bruno Ahdi (Organizmo)
Pasck vs Rafael (SUNSIDE)
Paulista vs Djane (PsyZone)
PHM (Connection Dj?s)
Ratsko (Proton) (SER)
Slave (Inpulse)
Swarup (Vagalume)
Tati Sanches (Tropical Beats)
Trindade (Starlight)
Vinhas (Ajuca)
Zaidan (Temple Twist/Acidance)
Nicola DJ Set
Wouter Thomassen DJ Set

During 4 days and 3 nights, we will be able to mold the world around us to the form that more in pleases us. A meeting between music and culture having as stage one of the places most beautiful of the country, the Hotel Farm Valley of Grottos in Altin?polis-SP, a natural paradise with its trees, waterfalls, grottos and lakes. They will be more than 100 hours of experiences and only sensations to the sound of best DJ' s of the scene tress and its sources. Beyond everything already cited above, the festival still will count on: art circence, massage, reiki, fairs of clothes, artesanatos and sports, thus promoting an unknown cultural diversification with intention to offer diversion to the present public and still more.


- Cabinets and apartments*
- 6 day camping in the top of the valley
- 5 days of music
- Artisctic and culture activities;
- Mix Fair*
- Restaurants*
- Bars*
- Snack Shops*
- First Aid Spot
- Lockers+
- Security
- Big number os showers
- 24 hour assistance to bathrooms
- Parking lot, with security*
* Charged a part from the ticket


Cinematographic place, ample space of green area and landscaping in a top of a total projected valley for the leisure, grottos and waterfalls for tracks passing for unforgetable places. A privileged place for the nature, to 1.200m of altitude, inside of one of the most beautiful landscapes of the interior of S?o Paulo, beyond gorgeous grottos and waterfalls.

Pictures here: www.valedasgrutas.com.br


* 1? promocional lot of 1000 tickets
Value: R$ 160,00 - Validity: December 17th until January 14th
* 2? promocional lot of 1000 tickets
Value: R$ 190,00 - Validity: January 15th until February 5th
* 3? promocional lot of 1000 Tickets
Value: R$ 220,00 - Validity: of February 6th until February 15th
* At the Door: lot of 1000 Tickets
Value: R$ 250,00
Validity: While it will have availability.

Info on the Chill-Out, where to find tickets, and others soon on the site:

www.soulvision.art.br (not working yet)


One more nice event, spread only though BP/Orkut forum.

Anyway, seems exciting.
Will start to try managing some day offs at work.

Great line-up, btw.
Very well balanced!!
It's good to see some Parvati on it.

Still waiting for more info such as:
- Exact date;
- Where to get tickets. And if possible, On-line tickets would be great;
- Info about entering with food, water, etc, etc.

Organisation : Soulvision No Flyer
Infoline : /
Website : www.soulvision.art.br
Email : psicotrance @hotmail.com
Ajouté le : 20-01-2007
Consulté 1722 fois