Sold out ! C’est ainsi que s’est ouverte la douzième édition du Hadra Trance Festival.

Quel immense plaisir que de voir vos huit mille paires d’yeux écarquillés devant une scénographie haute en couleur et vos oreilles curieuses et éveillées, tendues vers le son.

Vos pieds fouler les différents dancefloors avec ferveur, enthousiasme et énergie, et vos sourires radieux qui sont notre plus belle récompense…
Sous un soleil de plomb ou au clair de la lune, les boissons locales ont coulé à flot, le village a fourmillé d’activités, de transmissions et de moments partagés. Spectacles et déambulations ont titillé notre imaginaire et l’ont baladé entre ciel et terre. A vos cotés le temps s’est étiré, suspendu, arrêté. Ou quand l’utopie devient réalité !

Chers festivaliers nous ne vous remercieront jamais assez pour votre confiance et votre fidélité. Qu’elles perdurent et traversent les années !

Pour leur investissement, leur grand cœur, leur travail acharné, leur imagination débordante, leurs idées folles, leur générosité… merci aux nombreux et merveilleux bénévoles, aux artistes : musiciens, décorateurs, vidéastes et performeurs, aux techniciens, aux prestataires, aux exposants et aux partenaires d’ici et là.
Aux salariés, chargés de missions et stagiaires, aux membres actifs, au conseil d’administration : merci de tenir et de faire tourner la maison Hadra tout le reste de l’année. Vous en êtes les piliers !
Et enfin, ceux sans qui le festival à Vieure ne serait pas : un très grand merci au SMAT du plan d’eau, à Monsieur le Maire et à toute son équipe municipale, aux agriculteurs pour la mise à disposition de leurs terrains et à tous pour leur soutien.

Belle fin d’été à tous

For its twelfth edition, the Hadra Trance Festival returns to Vieure, from August 29 to September 1, 2019.

This year, and for several editions, Hadra Trance Festival invites you to explore the theme of utopias.
Constructions of our imaginations, utopias shape our ideal, reinvent with poetry new forms of the future. The festival is a place to meet, share, get to know and let go. Perfect for imagining a "common future". Utopias can have many facets: this is why this theme will be developed over several years. For this 2019 edition, we will imagine other possible worlds around time.

Time is the key to our society today. Stretched, fragmented, consumed, it is at the heart of our daily lives. So let's take advantage of a separate moment, 4 days all together, to analyse time, forget it, question it. Be an actor in the festival and imagine other possible worlds, other ways of living Time together. Something that looks like you/brings you together.
Synch your watches: see you on August 29th !

News 2019
Happenings and village timetable
Aug. 20th, 2019

Find out about Hadra Trance Festival 2019 village activities and happenings timetables !

Music Timetable
Aug. 19th, 2019

Find out about Hadra Trance Festival 2019 timetables !
Remember to book your PASS if you want to join us.
The festival might be sold out and we cannot guarantee that there will be ticket sales on site.

Site opening : Thursday 2 pm
Aug. 13th, 2019

As a reminder, the car parks, campsites and the festival site will be open to the public from Thursday 29 August at 2pm (and not before!)
Contrary to previous years, for this 2019 edition and for security reasons, no vehicle will be able to access the festival site before this time.
We are counting on you to comply with this instruction: the areas will be completely closed and a safety barrier will be put in place, no need to try. Take this information into account when planning your trip: we must avoid as much as possible the influx of vehicles into villages and road overloads, for your safety and good cohabitation with the surrounding neighbourhood.
Drive slowly, do not hesitate to make a night stop if you leave on Wednesday. If, despite everything, you are around the festival on Wednesdays, some campsites are able to welcome you, as well as motorhome areas. You can find the links here
We are counting on you to take these instructions into account and be respectful of the environment that welcomes us! :)

No water bottle sales at bars
Aug. 8th, 2019

For the first time at the Hadra Trance Festival 2019 , we won't sell water bottle at the bars!
Because we can always do better, we strive every year to improve our ecological impact and this includes reducing our plastic waste.
So bring your gourd, eco-cups or bottles (plastic - no glass accepted on the site): we will serve you free water at the bar if you come with your container! Many drinking water points are also at your disposal on the site!
A little something extra: in the same spirit, remember to bring your own cutlery (plates, forks and spoons, sharp objects not allowed) to eat at the stands and avoid taking disposable cutlery.

Alternative transportation : buses, trains and bike !
July 15h, 2019

Mobility is a key issue in tomorrow's world and a major part of the carbon impact of festivals. 
Last year, 90% of festival-goers came by car or truck, which is why the Hadra team is working to promote alternative means of transport !
Even better, come by bike!
Zero emissions, sports and fresh air, cycling remains one of the cleanest ways to get around and a good opportunity to take your time and enjoy the ride to the festival.
Gifts will be offered to all participants who will come by bike but also on foot to the festival (remember to send us pictures of your trip ) !

Shuttle Bus from Moulins train station
June 6th, 2019

Bus tickets from Moulins train station are available !
4 € one-way.

May 31st, 2019

Presale tickets 3 days/ 2 nights are available !
Valid from Friday Aug. 30th, 2019 4 pm.

Disconnected from the virtual, connected to the real
May 20th, 2019

For those who have already come to Vieure, you know that the telephone and Internet network are quite capricious. Wouldn't this be an opportunity to make it an opportunity rather than a constraint?
Coming to the Hadra Trance Festival is an opportunity to experience something different and as close as possible to others, to yourself. Through the theme of time, it was essential for us to approach the theme of disconnection.

Today we are all hyper-connected: to our smartphones, computers, tablets etc. Taking time becomes a right, a luxury... that we are increasingly struggling to afford! By keeping us connected, new technologies separate our bodies from our minds: you are everywhere and nowhere at once, alone and with others, without ever enjoying the moment.
While technologies make our daily lives easier, they are also a mental burden that constantly occupies our minds. It is sometimes necessary to turn off and disconnect to better reconnect to the world around you: disconnected from the virtual, connected to reality.

Take advantage of these 4 days at the Hadra Trance Festival to change your rhythm, let go, let go and learn to live the present moment. Disconnecting is essential to recharge your batteries and regain your energy: so drop everything and take advantage of the festival to experience it !

May 13th, 2019

Join the Hadra crew for the 2019 edition of the festival !
Volunteers application is available now


May 8th, 2019

Here is the Hadra Trance Festival 2019 chillout program!

The line up is complete. No need to send us new proposals for this year. Thank you.

April 24th, 2019

Here is the entire Hadra Trance Festival 2019 alternative stage program!

The line up is complete. No need to send us new proposals for this year. Thank you.

April 10th, 2019

We've kept you waiting long enough.
Here is the entire Hadra Trance Festival 2019 mainstage program!

The line up is complete. No need to send us new proposals for this year. Thank you.

DECORATION - Call for volunteers projects
March 13th, 2019

As every year, the HADRA association launches a Call for Volunteer Projects to decorate certain spaces and living spaces of the Hadra Trance Festival 2019, allowing everyone to come and express their creativity and/or passion to further enhance this meeting point that is dear to us all.

>> Application deadline: April 20, 2019 <<<

Feb. 1st, 2019

Presale tickets 4 days/ 3 nights are available !

Feb. 1st, 2019
This year the festival is growing thanks to your trust! This fourth renewal to the Vieure lake allows us to think and develop the Hadra Trance Festivalformat. Thanks to satisfaction surveys, your feedback, your messages, we take care to analyse your remarks to improve and continue to grow the festival !

Discover the new improvements that await you in 2019 :

The evolution of the alternative scene
A larger stage, a more important program, more decorations, more technical means (sounds, lights...) with the idea of transforming this Alternative Stage into a second "main" stage.

+ 50% in the festival's decoration
This year, we are increasing our investments in festival's decoration by 50%. Whether it is the different stages, the passageways and the living spaces, we will work twice as hard to offer you a new and ever more immersive universe.

+ budget in programmation
Programmers will have more budget and will be able to enhance the quality of programmiation on all three stages.

Even more resources for sanitary facilities and their maintenance!
Because we are well aware that this "detail" is very important, we persevere this year in the maintenance and development of the toilets so that your small breaks are as pleasant as possible.

More conferences and workshops
The source, a place for exchanges, meetings and discoveries, will continue to develop in 2019: conferences, exhibitions, workshops, readings, cinema, events... the programme is getting richer !

Even more performances
In order to represent psychedelic culture in all its forms, we continue to develop the centre dedicated to artistic performances: wandering, circus arts, jugglers, fire-eaters, clowns... they will be even more numerous to amaze us !

...and even more technical budget for the festival's mainstage !
Our beloved mainstage will be equipped with more technical investment: sound system, lights, mapping, technical teams... always more humming and always more imposing, it will make you happy during these 4 days of festivities.

...and all this, while keeping a maximum of 8000 people to maintain a friendly and warm atmosphere, with a festival on a human scale
Aftermovie 2018

BLOOMING FESTIVAL (Hadra Trance Festival 2018)
Immerse yourself in the science-fiction universe of the Hadra Trance Festival 2018 through the film directed by the LWM team
"Sowing ideas like sowing seeds and letting them bloom over a long weekend. A unique and global experience, Hadra makes us all grow, audience and artists, organizers and technicians. These timeless days filled with encounters, music and workshops unite us and regenerate us."

Aftermovies 2017

Presale tickets 2019
PASS 4 days : 120 €
PASS 3 days : 105 €
Limited to 8000 tickets
Karma Kusala
@ Alternative Stage
Hadra Altervision Rec.
@ Alternative Stage
Wonderwheel Rec.
@ Main Stage
Digital Whomp, Street Ritual
@ Alternative Stage
And many more...